Saturday, 15 August 2015

Schrödinger fuction for the soul

You know, back in the days when we used to be dealing with classical physics, the concept of determinism came up. La Place said that everything in the universe obeys a set of laws. So every particle in our mind, body and soul is obeying these laws. It has no option but to follow them which leads to a singular path that it can follow. This plots our destiny.
But in this century with the germination of quantum physics, the singular path has become a singular region.
Now we can wander in our own singular regions. But at least we can wander. A light cone with us at its center surrounds us. The only region accessible to any particle of our body. And it has to obey the regional laws. Not the pathological laws.
It's like our conscious mind is a wave. It can flow here and about but it ends up oscillating about a singular path.
The waves that we experience is a clear example of how space and time, and mass and energy are interchangable.
And we oscillate not just about some event in space and time. But about 'real' things too. Like sports, music, love, science and philosophy.
But what else to do in this life?

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