Saturday, 9 May 2015

The recipe of teleportation

1 mind mapping technique.
7 billion attitude changes towards what we think a person really is. To realize that a person is not his face or body. Or sex or colour or religion. A person is his thoughts.
(The former should be easier to find.)
Say, you want to teleport to your friend in France.
You ask her if she has a friend who wants to check out what a cool place your country is, say for an hour.
She mostly would (who wouldn't want to visit another country for free?).
You set up the mind mapping equipment and transport your self (which is nothing but the composition of your neurons) to your the teleportee's body.
And for an hour, you are in France, with your friend. And she with you, all of you.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Universal Music

This is for the musicians:
In a song, there is a structure. A tempo, a beat. A scale. This forms the base, the root of the song. If you deviate from the scale, or if you miss the beat, you don't follow the rules of the song; you don't follow the laws of the universe. You have to follow the rules to maintain the aesthetics of the song, you need to follow the laws to maintain the spontaneity of the universe.
What you do within these rules is what makes the difference. It is what makes the million songs in Major scale in 4 by 4 different. There are laws, but you move freely within them.
However, this free movement is only in space. In scale. Not in time, the tempo. The tempo is what guides you and what you can't disobey. While you can even enter restricted regions of the note cycle out of the chosen scale, you can't disregard the tempo.
The tempo is time. The scale is space.
And as old songs live, new ones are born. And none die. A property of recursion.
There are variations, nonetheless.
And infinite possibilities.
Every song is a universe.

All the world's a code

This is for programmers:

Imagine a loop. A simple loop code structure.

It represents the laws of the universe.

Now the space (memory or all our spatial dimensions) is being chucked in the inputs of the program.

And then it iterates.

This iteration is in a recursive function.

This recursive function gives different data to iterate.
This different data is the variation.

In an infinite Matrix.

And we live like it's going to matter how I care what you think of this post.

The Spectrum


The second dimension: Division

Space is the third.
Let’s take anything stupid. A phone, is basically a product of electronics interacting with each other. It’s their child. Their child which is being produced out of their love for each other.
Everything is divided. Man and machine. Animals and Plants. The Planets and the Stars. The God and the universe. The matter and the energy. The electrons and the quarks. The man and the woman. The child and the adult. The love and the hate. The good and the bad. But some are just there. They don’t have a meaning; they are just doing what they are expected to do and then you are just doing the right thing. You don’t really need to worry about the things that you can do without even knowing. So just keep doing them and don’t stop because it will keep going and when you do it you are just getting crazy so that you can do those things in the best way that you want. Mac’s keys are like pieces of cloth. They are not buttons but cells. Individual universes. Which we press and we don’t press. The on and the off. The 0 and the 1. The come and the go. The live and the die. The know and the no.
The Animals and the plants. The body and the mind. The nucleus of the cell and the rest of the cell. The nucleolus and the chromatin.
The biologists, the physicists, and the chemists. Now there are three options when we can’t really combine them. It's an anomaly.
But it isn’t. It’s biology and (physics and chemistry), and physics and chemistry. Biology has existed since we have known ourselves. And those who weren’t helping life survive, they were asking questions about the universe. They are the physicists and the chemists.
We actually break everything into two, but never in two equal halves. There is always a bigger and a larger. When life was broken into two particles, plants were over the animals. But as time proceeded, plants started to love animals more than they loved themselves. And thus were overpowered by the animals.
Just like man and woman. Man was large, but now women will be larger.
Just like parents are above the child, once. But then the child becomes large. (This is like handing the world over to our next generation. We know all of us, all of us living in the world today are going to die. But we create more life that survives. We keep handing over the baton of life. Our life.)
First, we live like it is supposed to be, and then in the way of life that cannot be. The second phase is something that you can’t imagine. Because imagination doesn’t exist there. It is a world that you cannot see, hear, feel. You can not imagine.
This is the expanding and the contracting of the universe.
We always try to achieve equilibrium. But then we exceed and move in the wrong direction, the direction in which life can’t exist. The non-spontaneous thermodynamic arrow of time.
We’re lucky we’re still expanding. But then the anthropic principle: If life can't exist somewhere, how are we lucky to not be there, as there is no life there to ask this question.
I love this life. How I live it. The things that I experience, and the things that I do. Every time when you know what to do and still don’t know if you're really in control of what you're doing. I am my consciousness and the sub-consciousness. I am and I aren't.
The senses and the muscles. Even within the senses: Sight, smell and taste, and sound and touch. Even when you sleep or wake, one remains off and one on. One and zero.
Are you a zero? Or are you the One?

The fifth dimension: Recursion

I’ll tell you why.
Our universe which we see. We used to think that there are three dimensions. But then about 199900 years after life evolved to man, someone said that time is a dimension. Time is a dimension because it is something that we can move in. That we can perceive. Change. Life. Death.
But when I say that we can move in time, it is that we cannot control the way we move. We cannot say that we are moving with this velocity or that. We can only say that we are moving. With a velocity. Just like we move along any of the space coordinates we can move in the time dimension.
Iteration is the fourth dimension.
But we are three dimensional organisms actually. Because even if we have more dimensions we cannot experience them. Time is constant. As it moves with a constant velocity.

There are organisms moving in this dimension. Which can move freely in time. Which can easily move back and forth. And stop still.
We are just one of this movement of theirs. We are just one velocity that they can take. And we are bound to move with that velocity until our universe explodes.

But one such organism. One such organism who’s controlling the flow of time, our God, is also living in a community of such organisms. It has the fate of an entire universe in itself. But it is just flowing. In a universe of its own.
That organism is in the fourth dimension. It is living in a fourth dimension. But it is trapped by another. The fifth.
But then there will be a sixth and a seventh. And by induction, till infinity. But what if infinity is the fifth dimension.
What if this recursive world of ours is the representation of the fifth dimension.
  1. The way we have a God. What if there are many such Gods of various universes. And they have a universe of their own. What if they are also living in a universe in which they don’t realise that their body is a universe. And they just continue to live in their lives, praying to the God of Gods. And this recurses.
  2. The way our universe is just a ball. And it has other balls. Fiery balls, calmed balls, black balls, explosive balls, tiny balls. What if these are just the sub-atomic particles of the atomic universe. Which is an atom in its own universe. And this recurses.
  3. The way we might be leading a life which is a moment in the life of another organism living it’s own life. A moment, not a minute particle. And this recurses. (Now notice how the last point and this one are just the same, if you see that time and space are interchangeable. A moment is an instant of time. An atom is an instant of space. An atom is a particle of the space. A moment is a particle of time.)
Sixth may be the variations of these recursions. But I’m still working on it.